Behind the scenes
When I shoot behind the scenes, I feel like the “fly on the wall” by being part of the creative process I am observing from the sides and recording history. Each project is different, challenging and exciting in its own way. Never know what surprise is next, running between the stage and the editors, one minute getting a view from the directors perspective, next, leaving the scene to find a quite spot for a wide angle, capture the story in one shot.
It is action packed, high pace, early and long hours, which seem even longer when nothing is happening, time suspended in space while the actors are getting a make over or the team has to decide what’s next. I have met some incredibly talented, inspiring, creative, funny, quirky, unique and downright madly awesome people through this job. Everyone, from the stage building team to the guys rolling out cables, we are all a big radical family, with everything that comes along with it, the tears and the laughter. In the end all compressed into a 2 minute commercial.
Sometimes life is just like that, made up of 2 minute snippets stitched together, some moments a star on the main stage and others directing , running cables all day long or sitting still just being with yourself, waiting for the next 2 minute rush of emotions, actions and funny madness.
Video: 1919-behind the scenes of movie productions / You Tube
Article: Kristina Stojiljkovic
Photography: Kristina Stojiljkovic
South African Production: Wishbones