What can I submit ?
This blog is here for us all to learn, grow and share. So if you have anything thats proactive, exciting, new, educational or inspirational, I am interested!
Are you a writer, photographer, film director, eco-warrior, extreme sport lover, star gazer, student of philosophy or life itself, do you make shoes or teach children to grow gardens, all of you are welcome to email me your story.
I am a photographer so please do keep in mind I will only publish stories that include some form of professional visual context, it can be a video or photographs, paintings, drawings, graphic designs or anything you may feel tells your story best.
If you have an awesome story to tell but no visuals, please do email me anyway, i can come to you and capture your story in photographs.
How do I submit ?
- email me a brief overview of your story plus Dropbox me up to 20 low res images on kristina@loveandrockets.co.za
- if your submission fits in with the Love & Rockets story telling, I will email you back all the details of what I need from you to publish the blog.
- only then I will need you to drop box me the full story and all the visuals.
- please get permission from all the parties before submitting. If your submission is accepted, I will need you to email me the signed permission from the photographer, the couples, the agents or anyone that may have been involved in the story you wish to be published in Love & Rockets.
Image specifications
- please do not email me your visuals, use the Dropbox or email me the link to your gallery. If you use the Dropbox, email me the direct link to the folder itself, rather then the “invite”to the Dropbox, so that it doesn’t get lost amongst all the emails I receive daily.
- please put all the information: the story, the links and the Dropbox folder in one email so nothing gets miss-placed.
- the images can be low res for initial submission but I will need them to be in landscape format, 72 dpi and 1000 pix wide for them to be published.
- no watermarks please, everyone will be credited in the blog.
Information to email
- who you are and a link to your site if you have one
- who is the writer of the story
- dates, names, locations and website links
- credits for anyone that is part of the story -photographer, locations, links, people, places etc
- direct link to the Dropbox folder or the link to your gallery
How long does it take for my story to be published ?
I will read your email as soon as I receive it. Please keep in mind that I am often traveling to remote places and might not have received you email yet but as soon as I am back online, I will reply to you to let you know if your submission will be published. I will then need more information and the full story from you. Once I have everything ready for the full blog, I need two weeks to put your story online, keeping in mind other blogs. Sometimes if your story fits into a specific subject, I might choose to publish it in a specific month. I will always let you know ahead of time when your story will be out. If you have not heard back from me within a few days, please feel free to chase it up.
Can I publish the images on my own blog or any other form of social media ?
It would be preferable if you could submit your story to one place at a time and wait to see if its accepted before submitting to others. Most publications prefer to have exclusive rights and will not publish your story if its been featured somewhere else, so keep that in mind. However, Love and Rockets is interested in sharing all the awesome things in life that will inspire others, so even if you have already told your story before on your own blog, I would like to hear it again!
- Love and Rockets reserves the right to publish only the original work that has been approved by all the artists involved.
- Love and Rockets reserves the right to decline the stories that are not suited for this website.