Riders on the storm

“Warriors are not what you think of as warriors. The warrior is not someone who fights, because no one has the right to take another life. The warrior, for us, is one who sacrifices himself for good of others. The task is to take care of the elderly, the defenceless, those who can not provide for themselfs, and above all, the children, the future of humanity.” – Sitting Bull

Today is woman’s day. I would like to share this post with you in honour of all the warriors, the woman, the mothers, sisters, friends, teachers and care givers who love unconditionally.

All the credit goes to the ones living lives wide awake, walking the earth facing daily challenges with kindness. There is a fierceness in the the gentle hearts, a strength in the ones that see every child as their own, the ones that don’t judge and instead embrace.

I am humbled by the woman in my life and especially the ones I met over the last few months. The young girls willing to learn how to help, the elderly sharing their wisdom, the mothers spending hours looking after their own and sacrificing strength from early morning hours until sunsets for others. I also feel proud to know these woman, to be a woman and to raise one.

“When sleeping woman wake, mountains move” – African proverb

Today meet our South Peninsula warriors. Yandiswa Mazwana, founder and operations manager of Masi Creative Hub , Liso Madikane, life skills facilitator at Masi Creative Hub, Christine Saltonstall, heading the local #10 million mask project and Abongingile Maputuma, chair person and art facilitator at Masi Creative Hub. At Station 2 in Masiphumelele, Western Cape, children receive masks from #10 million masks and are fed one nutritious cooked meal five days per week, in support with various NGOs contributions to the pots ingredients.

A giant thank you to all the warriors for being strong inspirations!

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Thank you Yandiswa Mazwana, Liso Madikane, Christine Saltonstall, Abongingile Maputuma, Masi Creative Hub and #10 million masks for collaborating and participating in the photoshoot with Love & Rockets.

Quotes: Sitting Bull the Chief of Sioux nation / African Proverb 

Article: Kristina Stojiljkovic

Photography: Kristina Stojiljkovic