Communities Wellness Solutions

This is a story about a community, about a man’s faith in his community and how we met. In 2017 I had total bilateral hip replacement surgery, I was born with a disorder where at age 42 both my thigh bones were cut off and replaced with a mechanism. It would take me altogether two …

Naibor Camp – Masai Mara

Just before the night fall, after a long drive on the dirt roads in an open Land Rover, we arrive at the Naibor campsite. A deep guttural roaring comes from the Masai Mara grasslands. The Naibor campsite is in the heart of Kenya’s National Game Reserve. At my tent, a tall man dressed in a …

Bicycles are changing lives in Africa

“Having traveled to over 50 countries around the world, I’ve seen firsthand the impact a bicycle can have on a farmer, community health worker, teacher and school-aged child. Bicycles give their owners mobility, empowerment, and access. It is not a hyperbole to say that bicycles can change the world. Thousands of children spend hours walking …

Lamu Kenya

Flying in from Cape Town and leaving behind all that goes with the city living, I was happy to be walking in the quite and incredibly narrow streets of Lamu. Sonya and I spent a day mingling with the Old Lamu town people and donkeys that are everywhere. Children going to school, woman hanging up …