Riders on the storm

“Warriors are not what you think of as warriors. The warrior is not someone who fights, because no one has the right to take another life. The warrior, for us, is one who sacrifices himself for good of others. The task is to take care of the elderly, the defenceless, those who can not provide …

South Peninsula Soup Kitchens

” I am a mom of 4 and take care of my disabled aunt. We are altogether a family of 8 living in this home. Before COVID-19 I started feeding 72 children from my neighbourhood and due to the lockdown, I now feed approximately 346 children and adults. I supply two meals daily. In the …

Communities Wellness Solutions

This is a story about a community, about a man’s faith in his community and how we met. In 2017 I had total bilateral hip replacement surgery, I was born with a disorder where at age 42 both my thigh bones were cut off and replaced with a mechanism. It would take me altogether two …

Bicycles are changing lives in Africa

“Having traveled to over 50 countries around the world, I’ve seen firsthand the impact a bicycle can have on a farmer, community health worker, teacher and school-aged child. Bicycles give their owners mobility, empowerment, and access. It is not a hyperbole to say that bicycles can change the world. Thousands of children spend hours walking …

Education in Africa

It is beautiful what can be achieved with a strong will and help from forward thinking people. I love this movie. It is based on a true story about Kimani Maruge, an 84 year old Kenyan farmer. Maruge is the oldest person to attend primary school. He was invited to present a speech before the international …

Kizingoni Beach

How awesome is this story of Laura Dekker, a young inspiring girl with an incredible spirit! Youth is not waisted when it’s given an opportunity to express itself and the trust and guidance to follow dreams. It is in our human nature to want to learn and explore. Traveling is an adventure and an education …

The Shred Days

Ollie is wearing a checked bandanna and totally in tune with all the boys on skateboards, weaving through from one ramp to another. This place is chock a block on weekends and I’m lucky to walk in on a chilled day. Jean-Mark Johannes is having a quite tuesday training session. Ayrton Senna Monckton smashes a …

Green children

It was an early morning 8 years ago. I am standing in Oude Molen, Pinlands, waiting for Misha to arrive. A small Buckie pulls up and two young people get out, they unlock the wire fenced gates, load up a few donated trees and bags of soil into the back of the Buckie and onto …

The one and only

https://youtu.be/GBHVGZ7Hz_A This is a tongue in cheek recipe to go with our One and Only lunch. 1 whole grass fed beef tongue 3 pounds of grass fed beef cheeks 2-3 tablespoons Chili  Kosher salt Freshly ground pepper 4 tablespoons unsalted butter 2 tablespoons bacon grease Fleur de sel   Dust the beef tongue and cheek with chilli, salt …

Stefan & Anke

City living is what these funky folk are about. I met Stefan many moons ago when his music career was at its birth. Then one day I met Anke, vibrant, bigger then life, she is a child and a mother, a beautiful soul. The two of them have been inseparable since the first days of …