The Shred Days

Ollie is wearing a checked bandanna and totally in tune with all the boys on skateboards, weaving through from one ramp to another. This place is chock a block on weekends and I’m lucky to walk in on a chilled day. Jean-Mark Johannes is having a quite tuesday training session. Ayrton Senna Monckton smashes a …

Uprising – local hot blogs to follow

I love a good book, traveling, fresh produce, cheesecake from Imhoff Farm, Jiva Spa Indian Therapy , LP’s, a long walk in nature  and recently developed an interest in local blogs. I have lived in Africa over 20 years now and keep finding many small and hidden treasures through my line of work. I have photographed …

Unusual travel places to stay

I love exciting adventures. If you are an unusual traveller, then these places will be an awesome experience you will remember. Here is a list of unusual travel places that will transfer you into history, give you an opportunity to sleep under the starts and in the trees or bond with animals and if you …

Miguel & Odette

Few months back we figured out how long we all know each other. Miguel and I studied together. Odette, I met through photography first year I got to Cape Town. Few decades later our kids are hanging out together. Life is rad but even better to share it with ever growing families and friends. Friendships …

All things East ” My mother always said my sister, Satsu was like wood. As rooted to the earth as a sakura tree….But she told me I was like water….Water can carve its way through stone. And when trapped, water makes a new path. ” – Memoirs of a Geisha After reading the book “Memoirs of a …

On set with South African celebrities

When I was a kid, the village I lived in felt so big, the world even bigger then I could imagine and I dreamt of all the exciting places our sandy street would take me. After meeting some South African celebrities on photoshoots, I understand that we are all that kid, the dreamer. As adults, …

How to play like a child Our daughter is almost two and in this short space of time I have realised she is the toughest human I know. She is always falling but keeps trying the same thing until she succeeds. When she comes across something new she doesn’t reject it and in her alien language tries to communicate back. …

Paint your face with beauty

As a photographer I am fascinated by faces. Today I spent time thinking about the word “beauty” and came across many quotes on inner beauty, videos on what beauty is, tips how to wear hair and make up. There is a “multi million dollar industry” in the name of the word beauty. Everyone has an …

Marieke & Bob at Stark-Conde

What I enjoy about Marieke and Bob is their gentle ways. The peaceful home is covered in books from floor to ceiling and the girls get ready for the wedding while dancing to soft music playing in the background. At their wedding they mix tradition in with a few quirky touches. Marieke is wearing an …

Stefan & Anke

City living is what these funky folk are about. I met Stefan many moons ago when his music career was at its birth. Then one day I met Anke, vibrant, bigger then life, she is a child and a mother, a beautiful soul. The two of them have been inseparable since the first days of …